How to Have Healthy Teeth and Gums

For some people, taking the time to properly floss and brush their teeth is an annoying task. What they don’t know is how many benefits come from it. Having a healthy smile is not only about how straight or bright your teeth are, but it’s also about good oral hygiene.

Do you want to know how to keep healthy teeth and gums? These are some of the things you should keep in mind:

  • Daily hygiene: Flossing and brushing your teeth is something you should do every day at least twice a day. You should spend approximately two minutes doing this, especially after eating. This way, you make sure that you have removed all plaque and bacteria accumulated on your teeth throughout the day, preventing gum disease. Even if you have healthy teeth and gums, you should visit a dentist near you twice a year.
  • Use a mouth guard:It doesn’t matter if you are a kid or an adult. If you play high-contact sports such as American football, using a mouth guard will protect your smile against broken teeth.
  • Fluoride: It’s a natural element that you can find in many sources. It gives strength to your teeth and can help to repair some of the damage they might have suffered. Furthermore, it provides protection against the acids in some of your food and it makes your teeth more resistant to the action of bacteria. You can get it from drinking water and from certain foods. Also, from different kinds of toothpaste and rinses of low doses in over the counter products. Higher concentration products require a medical prescription from a dental office in St. Albert.
  • Brush properly: First, use a soft-bristled brush. Don’t scrub, move the toothbrush gently up and down. It should be placed at a 45° angle against your gums. Remember to change your toothbrush at least every 3-4 months.
  • Visit the dentist: Even if you think you have a beautiful smile and you don’t have any dental issues, you need to visit a St.Albert dentist at least twice a year. This helps you prevent decay. Furthermore, they might identify undiscovered oral health issues you weren’t even aware of.
  • Quit bad habits: Smoking, chewing tobacco or even using a vape is not only bad for your lungs. This habit affects your body in general, especially the health of your teeth and gums.Besides, it makes your immune system weaker allowing bacteria to grow. Therefore, it’s not only about getting yellowish looking teeth. Quitting this habit is also about preventing gum disease and, in worst cases, malignancies.

Remember to reduce the amount of sugar you ingest daily and use mouthwash after eating these things. This will prevent bacteria from growing as well.

  • Take care of your baby’s teeth:Oral health should start at a young age. By the time the first tooth erupts in your baby’s mouth, you should already be cleaning it. All you need is a damp cloth to wipe their teeth softly every day. By the time they reach one year, you should take them for their first visit to a St.Albert dentist.

This is just a general oral health checkup. Furtermore, the dentist will be mainly focusing on alignment and the development of the jaw. Even if these teeth are going to fall eventually, they lay the foundation for permanent teeth.

If you follow all of these recommendations, you will have a better chance of having healthy teeth and gums. Also, if you’re already presenting certain issues, you should schedule a visit to a dental office in St.Albert. Always remember that oral issues are usually a reflection of your body’s health.

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