What Are the Causes and Treatments of Snoring?

Sleep is an important part of our existence. Without restful sleep, our body will not be able to regenerate and repair itself. Everyone has responsibilities, hats to wear and tasks to fulfill. But working on these tasks will wear us out if we do not take the time to rest and sleep well. 

When we think of sleep, we picture people who are in deep sleep. If you are someone or you know someone who snores during their sleep, this is the best time to read on. 

Getting to Know More About Snoring

Snoring is the unpleasant, loud and rumbling sound you hear when a person is sleeping. This is a very common experience, hence, people have become used to it and have not considered it as something to be concerned over. The truth is that chronic snoring may be an indication of a health problem. There are available snoring treatments in St. Albert, all you have to do is check with a dental clinic near you. 

What are the Causes of Snoring?

When we sleep, our muscles relax. During the process, the tissues located at the back of the mouth relaxes, causing an obstruction in the airway. As the air passes, the tissues relax and causes a vibration that leads to snoring. The narrower the airway becomes, the louder the snoring. Snoring only happens when there is total throat and facial relaxation. 

Apart from this phenomenon, there are other factors that may cause you to snore. You are prone to snoring if you are overweight, you have a thick palata or an elongated uvula. Snoring can worsen if you have swollen, enlarged or inflamed sinuses, nasal packages or if you have a deviated septum. Alcohol consumption can cause snoring too, this is because it depresses and relaxes the muscles of your throat. Swelling brought about by allergies or colds can also cause this. 

Apart from snoring treatments, you can also watch out for the following contributory factors: sleeping position, family history, nasal problems, obstructive sleep apnea, smoking, medications. Men also tend to snore more frequently than women.

Signs and Symptoms

You can talk to a St. Albert dentist about this matter. A person may not be aware that he or she snores, so if you experience one or more of these symptoms, you will need to discuss them with a health care professional.

The symptoms to watch out for are headache, fatigue, irregular breathing during sleep, difficulty concentrating, sore throat, sleep disruption, restlessness, choking or gasping at night, high blood pressure, and chest pain at night. For kids, look for irritability, low attention span or poor academic performance. 

Those symptoms are often related to snoring. You can visit a dental clinic near you for the most effective snoring treatments in St. Albert. It is important that you tend to this so you can function as best as you should.

Treatments of Snoring

Snoring is a key sign of a serious sleeping disorder which is called sleep apnea. You have to visit a dental clinic in St. Albert for advice if you notice disruptive and loud snoring, unexpected sleepiness, excessive sleepiness during the day, or choking, gasping and not breathing while sleeping. 

When you visit a dental clinic near you, the dentist may recommend that you lose weight, avoid drugs and alcohol, or change your sleeping pattern. If it continues to worsen, you may be advised to get surgery, implants, use allergy medication or special airway devices. 

Do not let snoring get in the way of your daily life, and do not let it get in the way of your partner’s sleep. Seek help and be open to snoring treatments in St. Albert. Get quality and restful sleep every night with the help of a dentist near you. Book an appointment today.

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